Abstracts of Publications in the Journals
Effects of foliar application of nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield of wheat
Thai J. Agric. Sci. 29 (July 1996): 323-328
M.N. Islam, R.K. Paul, T.M.K. Anwar and M.A.K. Mian.
Regional Agricultural Research Station
Ishurdi-6620, Pabna, Bnagladesh
A 2- year field experiment showed that application of ½ N as basal and ½ N as foliar spray at growth stage 3 increased grain yield of wheat by 43.2% compared to the obtained by applying full N (100 kg N/ha) as basal (normal practice). Foliar spray without starter N reduced the yield by 14.9% (1710.5kg/ha) compared to normal practice. Foliar application of ½ N at growth stage 3 along with ½ N as basal was found to be profitable in terms of gross margin ($ 401.05) and benefit cost ratio (3.60); this treatment gave additional income of $160.02/ha.
Mixedcropping lentil with linseed at different seeding rates
Thai J. Agric. Sci. 29 (October 1996): 527-530
M.N. Islam, R.K. Paul, M.S. Borhan, M.O. Ali and M.A.K. Mian
Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station
Ishurdi 6620, Pabna, Bangladesh
Different combinations (100:33 and 75:50) of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) and linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) were compared to corresponding monocrop in an experiment. This highest seed yield (1.01 t/ha) was obtained from sole lentil followed by the ratio of lentil: linseed = 100:33. The highest land equivalent ratio (LER), gross return, gross margin and benefit cost ratio were obtained from the mentioned ratio of lentil and linseed.
Suitability of intercropping flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) with lentil (Lens culinaris)
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 67 (6): 256-8, June 1997
MN Islan, MAK Mian, RK Paul and MO Ali
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi 6620. Bangladesh
In a 2-year field experiment, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was intercropped with lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). Significantly highest yields of cured tobacco leaf (1970 kg/ha) and lentil (980 kg/ha) were obtained from the pure stand. Among intercropping treatments, tobacco paired row+50% lentil gave the highest land-equivalent ratio (1.49), tobacco-equivalent yield (2109kg/ha), net return (Rs 52864/ha), monetary advantage (Rs 20804/ha ) and benefit: cost ratio (6:08).
Intercropping Cigarette Tobacco with Chickpea
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 32(3) 1997
M.N. Islam, R.K. Paul and M.A.K. Mian
Agrinomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station
Iswardi-6620, Pabna, Bangladesh
A field experiment was conducted at Iswardi for two consecutive years to find out the rows of chickpea to be intercropped profitably within the interspace of two set of paired row tobacco. Paired row tobacco+4 row chickpea produced yield of 1871 kg/ha of tobacco and 1202 kg/ha of chickpea in 1993-94 and 1845 kg/ha of tobacco and 1282 kg/ha of chickpea in 1994-95. This combination produced average advantages of 53% in yield and $ 859 per ha in return over sole cropping. The highest tobacco equivalent yield (2479 kg/ha), benefit cost ratio (8.98) and replacement value of intercropping (1.45) were also recorded in the same treatment.
Intercropping Papaya (Carica papaya L.) with mungbean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek)
Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 7(2): 89-93, 1997
M.N. Islam, M.A.K. Mian, R.K. Paul, R. Rabbani and Md. Amin.
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi 6620 and IPSA, Gazipur. Bangladesh
A field experiment was conducted at BARI Regional Station, Ishurdi for two consecutive years to find out the optimum number of rows of mungbean that could be intercropped within papaya rows for higher profitability. Among five intercropping combinations, papaya + 6 rows of mungbean produced maxiumum papaya equivalent yield (100,623 kg/ha) and the highest land equivalent ratio (1.91). The same combination also produced the highest net return (US$ 12,720/ha), benefit cost ratio (8.29), replacement value of intercropping (1.19) and monetary advantage (US$ 6,892/ha).
Effect of stem pruning and spacing on the growth and yield of tomato
Bangladesh Hort., 25(1&2):41-46, 1997
M.R. Uddin, M.A. Hossain, M.A.K. Mian, M.Z. Uddin, M.H. Reza and A.K.M. Mahtabuddin
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore-7400
The effect of pruning (one stem, two stem, three stem and no pruning) and plant spacing (40 and 50 cm) on the yield was evaluated on indeterminate type F1 hybrid tomato variety FMTT22 at ARC-AVRDC experimental field of Kasetsart University. Kamphaeng Saen campus, Thailand from October 1995 to February 1996. Tow stem pruning yielded the highest (56.20 t/ha). Closer spacing (40 cm) gave higher yield (55.34 t/ha). Two stem pruning along with 40 cm plant spacing showed superior interaction.
Yield of sesame as affected by sowing dates and variety
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 23(4):641-646, December 1998
M.A. Aziz, M.A. Khyar (M.A.K.Mian), A.B.M. Abul Khyar and M.A. Ahad Miah
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institue, Gazipur 1701 and Ishurdi 6620
A field trial was conducted with three varieties of sesame and six dates of planting at Ishurdi. Yield and yield attributes were significantly affected by sowing dates and cultivars. Significantly the highest seed yield (1130 kg/ha) was obtained from 15 March sowing due to higher number of pods per plant, seeds per pod and individual seed weight which was identical to 1 March sowing (1095 kg/ha). Among the cultivars, T-6 produced highest yield (1140 kg/ha) but it did not differ significantly form that of Jamalpur. Compared to the sowing date of 15 March, other dates of sowing reduced yield by 0.03 to 85.86%. The first fortnight of March was found to be the optimum time of sowing. The cultivar T-6 performed best followed by Jamalpur.
Effects of irrigation and nitrogen on the yield of barley in high ganges river floodplain soil
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(1):47-51, March 2001
M.A.K. Mian, M.N. Islam and A. Matin
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi 6620 and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institue, Gazipur 1701
A 2-year field trial with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi during 1996-97 and 1997-98. One irrigation at crown root initiation (CRI) stage accompanied by 80 kg/ha nitrogen produced the highest grain yield. The control treatment with no irrigation and no nitrogen gave the poorest yield. The higher yield was associated with increased number of ears/m2, grains/ear and increased 1000-grain weight.
Effect of row orientation and weed control method on the yield and yield components of mustard
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(1):137-145, March 2001
M.A.K. Mian, M.A. Khaleque and M.M. Rahman
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore
The experiment was conducted to find out the effect of row orientation (E-W, N-S and bidirection) and weed control methods (hand, mechanical, pre and post emergence weedicide and control) on weed growth, yield and economics of mustard at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore for two consecutive growing seasons 1997-98 and 1998-99. Among the major identified weed species, Cyperus rotundus L. was the most dominant one (79%). Dry matter of weed was found minimum (63 g/m2 at 20 DAE and 61 g/m2 at harvest) in bidirection and maximum (72 g/m2 at 20 DAE and 88 g/m2 at harvest) in north-south row direction. Per-emergence “Ronstar” (@ 2 L/ha) application rendered less (35 g/m2) weed growth at early growth stage i.e. 20 DAE) and hand weeding at 20 DAE gave minimum (27 g/m2) weed growth at later growth stage (i.e. harvest) of the crop. North-south row direction gave significantly highest yield 1286 kg/ha) than other two directions. Hand weeding at 20 DAE, mechanical weeding by BARI-weeder at 20 DAE and pre-emergence “Ronstar” application produced 21% and 18% higher yield over control treatment. These three weed control methods gave the highest yield (1428, 1402 and 1397 kg/ha) in north-south row direction compared to other treatment combinations. But from economic point of view, mechanical weeding by BARI-weeder at 20 DAE and per-emergence “Ronstar” application in north-south row direction were found superior in respect of higher net return (Tk 13543 and 13438/ha) and BCR of 2.16 and 2.15, respectively.
Weed infestation and performance of mustard as affected by type of plough and number of ploughing
J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 27(2): 189-194, December 2001
M.A.K. Mian, M.N. Islam and B.C. Kundu
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Jessore and Hathazari, Bangladesh
An investigation was carried out to assess the effect of type plough and number of ploughing on weed infestation and performance of mustard (Brassica campestris) in Calcareous Gray Floodplain soil of Bangladesh at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi for 2 consecutive seasons of 1995-96 and 1996-97. BARI plough with 6 ploughing rendered less weed infestation (393.0 m-2) and produced maximum weed dry weight (99.7 g m-2). BARI plough produced 15% more yield over country plough while the highest yield was observed in 6 ploughing. BARI plough was found superior at 4 ploughing in respect of higher gross margin (Tk 8431/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.97).
Fertilizer management in hybrid maize with soybean intercropping system under irrigated condition
Online journal of biological sciences 1(9):812-814, 2001
Saha, R.R., M.A. Quayyum, S. Alom, P.C. Sarker, A. Khayer (M.A.K.Mian)
and A. F.M.F. Rahman
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur,
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore and Hathazari, Bangladesh
A field experiment was conducted to find out a suitable dose of fertilizer for hybrid maize (var. Pacific 11) intercropping with soybean (var. Sohag), two planting system and four fertilizer levels were used as treatment variables. Highest grain yield of maize was obtained from the highest does of fertilizer. But soybean yield was the highest in lower doses of fertilizer at Jessore and Hathazari but at Joydebpur 250-120-120-40-5 of N, P2O5, K2O, S, Zn Kg ha-1. Yield attributes increased with the increase of fertilizer in case of maize but reverse in soybean. From economic point of view, the highest benefit cost ratio was obtained from the fertilizer dose 250-120-120-40-5 of N, P2O5, K2O, S, Zn Kg ha-1 in both normal and paired row systems at Joydebpur of Bangladesh. But at Jessore and Hathazari fertilizer dose 200-80-80-20-5 of N, P2O5, K2O, S, Zn Kg ha-1 was found profitable.
Effect of potato leaf roll virus and potato virus y infected seed tubers on the growth and yield of potato
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(3):351-356. September 2001
M.H. Hossain, A. M. Akanda, M.A.K. Mian and I.H. Mian
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore and BSMRAU,Gazipur
Healthy, PLRV and PVY infected second generation seed tubvers of four potato varieties, namely Ailsa, Binella, Cardinal and Diamant were planted in the field. Under natural conditions, appearance of visible symptoms of PLRV and PVY infection was significantly delayed in all the varieties. Both the viruses caused significant reduction in plant height, number of fubers per plant, tuber size and yield per plant over control (healthy seed). The reduction in plant growth, tuber yield and tuber size was significantly higher due to PVY infected seed tubers as compared to PLRV infected seeds. The percentage of marketable size tubers (28-55 mm) was maximum in healthy seed tubers which was followed by PLRV and PVY infected seeds.
Performance of four potato cultivars as affected by different levels of concentration of potato virus Y
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(4): 573-578, December 2001
M.H. Hossain, A.M. Akanda, M.K.A. Bhuiyan, M.A.K. Mian
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore and BSMRAU,Gazipur
Healthy and PVY infected second generation seed tubers of four potato cultivars, namely Ailsa, Binella, Cardinal, and Diamant were planted in the experiment field. The effect of three different levels of concentration of PVY on growth, yield components, and yield were studied on four potato cultivars. The results indicated that PVY at different levels of concentration reduced plant growth and yield associated with yield components of four potato cultivars. The increasing levels of concentration PVY showed the higher trends of reduction in growth, yield and yield components.
Growth, yield and economics of hybrid maize as affected by rate and time of nitrogen application
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 27(1): 41-46, March 2002
M.A.K. Mian, A. Ahmed and A. Matin
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore
A two-year field experiment with hybrid maize conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore showed that 350 kg/ha of nitrogen when applied 1/3 as basal + 1/3 at 35 DAE + 1/3 at 60 DAE was found optimum for higher grain yield (10.62 t/ha) and higher number of cobs/m2. Grain yield was significantly correlated with total dry matter weight. CGR and N rate. The same treatment also showed higher gross return (Tk. 88063/ha), net return (Tk. 66264/ha) and benefit cost ratio (4.04) indicating economic viability of hybrid maize production.
Physiological Behaviour of Mungbean Cultivars Due to Sowing Time
Bangladesh J. Agril Res. 27(1): 75-84. March 2002
M.A.K. Mian, M.A. Aziz, M.A. Hossain and M.R. Karim
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore
Field experiments with three mungbean cultivars viz. BARI mung-2, BARI Mung-3 and BARI Mung-4 under four times of sowing i.e. 15, 30 August 15, 30 September were conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Jessore during 1998 and 1999. 30 August sowing of BARI Mung-3 and BARI Mung-4 recorded better plant growth indicating better dry matter production. The same treatments also produced the superior seed yield (1538 and 1409 kg/ha, respectively) contributed by higher number of branches per plant (4.77 and 4.70, respectively), number of pods per plant (27.41 and 26.63, respectively) and 1000-seed weight (43.06 and 43.39 g, respectively).
Response of Chickpea to Management Levels in Barind Tract
Bangladesh J. Bot. 32(2): 77-79, 2003 (December)
M.A.K. Mian, M.N. Islam, M.A. Matin, K.U. Ahammad and M.A. Aziz
RARS, Jessore 7400, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh
Field experiments were conducted in the Farming System Research site of Bangladesh Agricultural Resarch Institute in Barind Tract at Saroil, to study responses of chickpea to different levels of field management. In one experiment, five planting methods, viz. broadcasting, line sowing, dibbling, dibbling followed by mulching, mulching and line sowing followed by mulching; and in another experiment, three soil moisture regimes, viz. no irrigation, irrigation at 80% depletion of available soil moisture (ASM) and irrigation at 60% depletion of ASM were studied for chickpea cultivation. Line sowing followed by mulching produced the highest seed yield (1398 kg/ha) followed by line sowing (1365 kg/ha) and dibbling followed by mulching (1302 kg/ha). These three treatments produced maximum dry matter weight per plant. Line sown crop performed better than broadcast crop. Irrigation at 60% depletion of ASM gave the highest seed yield (1623 kg/ha) followed by irrigation at 80% depletion of ASM. The highest seed yield was associated with the production of greater yield components.
Studies on Production Factors Limiting Yield of Chickpea
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 29(3): 409-418, September 2004
M. Altab Hossain, M.S.A. Khan, M.S. Alom, M.A.K. Mian and S.Ahmed
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institue, Gazipur 1701 and Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore
Field experiments were conducted at the experiment stations of BARI at Joydebpur and Jessore during the winter (rabi) season of 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 to study the production factors limiting performance of yield attributes and yield of chickpea (var. BARI Chola-5). The treatment were T1= complete package of practices (CPP) which included line sowing of treated seeds of chickpea @ 40 kg/ha, with fertilizers (20kg N, 18 kg P, 25 kg K and 20 kg S/ha), timely sowing (15 November), one irrigation at 55 days after sowing (only at Joydebpur) and need based plant protection measures, T2= CPP with 30days delay sowing, T3= CPP minus chemical fertilizers, T4 = CPP plus cowdung @ 5 t/ha only but omission of chemical fertilizers, T5 = CPP plus use of inoculum instead of N, T6= CPP with low seed rates (30 kg/ha); T7= CPP minus irrigation (Joydebpur), T8= CPP minus seed treatment, T9= CPP minus plant protection measures, T10= Farmers’ practice (FP) which included broadcast sowing of untreated seeds of BARI Chola-5 @ 40 kg/ha sown on 15 November with 9 kg P/ha and plant protection measures, and T11= FP minus plant protection measures. Averaged over years, CPP resulted in 69 and 93% higher seed yields (1708 kg/ha at Joydebpur and 2715 kg/ha at Jessore) compared with those of farmers’ practice (1010 kg/ha at Joydebpur and 1405 kg/ha at Jessore). Contribution of organic manure only was positive in increasing seed yield (7-20%). Use of inoculum (instead of N) gave statistically identical yield in both the locations. Reduction in mean seed yield was recorded due to delayed sowing (42%), without plant protection measures (38%), withdrawing chemical fertilizers (31%), using non-treated seed (25%) and low seed rates (24%) at Joydebpur. At Jessore, the corresponding values were 49, 46, 35, 33 and 28%, respectively. Delay in sowing and omitting plant protection measures, chemical fertilizers and seed treatments from CPP were the production factors limiting yield of chickpea.
Fertilizer Management in Hybrid Maize-Bush Bean Intercropping Systems
The Agriculturists 3(1 &2): 78-83 (2005)
M. Nurul Islam, M.A.K. Mian, R.U. Choudhury, M.S. Alom and M.S. Aktar
Agronomy division, BARI; Gazipur, RARS. Jessore; PGRC, BARI Gazipur, PRSS, BARI Gazipur
An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore during rabi seasons of 2001-2002 to determine optimum fertilizer dose for hybrid maize-bush bean intercropping system. Effects of four fertilizer levels (150-26-50-20, 200-34-66-33, 250-52-100-40 and 300-65-125-50 kg NPKS ha-1) were tested on two planting systems (maize normal row +2 rows bush bean, and maize paired row +4 rows bush bean) of hybrid maize-bush bean intercropping systems. In both the planting systems, the highest yield of maize (9.41 t ha-1) was obtained with 300-65-125-50 kg NPKS ha-1 while bush bean produced the highest green pod yield (8.57 t ha-1) with 200-34-66-30 NPKS ha-1. The highest maize equivalent yield (16.65 t ha-1), gross return (Tk 116550 ha-1) and gross marigin (Tk 89126 ha-1) were recorded from maize paired row + 4 rows bush bean with 250-52-100-40 kg NPKS ha-1 but the highest marginal rate of return (429%) was achieved from maize paired row + 4 rows bush bean with 200-34-66-30 kg NPKS ha-1 (T6). The treatment T6 would be the most economically profitable for hybrid maize-bush bean intercropping system. The results also reveled that 50-18-34-10 kg NPKS ha-1 of fertilizer could be saved by growing bush bean as intercrop with maize.
Effects of herbicides on weed control in maize (Zea mays L.)
J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 3(3 & 4): 209-212, 2006
M.S. Alom, M.A. Hossain, M.A.K. Mian and B.L. Nag
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore
A field experiment was conducted during March-July of 2002 and 2003 at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides in controlling weeds in maize (cv. Barnali). Treatments consisted of pre-emergence application of U-46, Ronstar, Round up, Raphit and post-emergence application of U-46, Ronstar, Round up and Rephit herbicides. These treatments were compared with the weedy check (no weeding), weeded by hand at 25 and 45 DAE and weeded by BARI weeder at 25 plus one hand weeding at 45 DAE. Among the weed species, Cyperus rotundus L. was found dominant in respect of absolute density, relative density and infestation of weed followed by Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers, in both the years. Pre-emergence application of U-46 herbicide effectively controlled the weed population and dry weight compared with the unweeded (control) and also other weed control treatments. Weed free treatment generally increased yield components and yield of maize. The plots weeded by hand at 25 and 45 DAE gave higher yield but it was identical with that of the plots weeded by pre-emergence application of U-46. Among the weed control methods tried, U-46 at pre-emergence application had a pronounced effect on gross margin and benefit cost ratio followed by two hand weedings at 25 and 45 DAE.
Effect of population density and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of sweet corn
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 5(1): 101-104; January 2007
MS Alom, M Aktheruzzaman, M A Hossain, M A K Mian and M A Rahman
RARS, BARI, Jessore; Agron. Div. BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
An experiment was conducted to know the effect of three population densities (66667, 88889 and 133333 plants ha-1 corresponding to 60 cm ´ 25 cm, 45 cm ´ 25 cm and 30 cm ´ 25 cm spacing, respectively) and four N levels (150, 200, 250 and 300 kg ha-1) on sweet corn (cv. 141 BRIXL-10) at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jessore during two consecutive rabi (winter) seasons of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. The results revealed that green cob yield and yield attributes were significantly influenced by the variations of population density and N level. The plant density of 88889 plants ha-1 (45 cm ´ 25cm) recorded significantly higher green cob yield than lower (66667 plants ha-1) and higher 133333 plants ha-1) plant densities in both the years. Significant response to N application was noticed up to 250 kg ha-1. Plant density 88889 ha-1 or spacing of 45 cm ´ 25 cm coupled with 250 kg N ha-1 was optimum for sweet corn variety 141 BARIXL-10 for higher yield during rabi season.
Effect of Different Planting Systems in Maize/Spinach-red Amaranth Intercropping
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 2(2): 69-76, December 2006
F Ahmed, M A Rahman, M A H S Jahan, M Ahmed and M A Khayer (M.A.K. Mian)
Agronomy Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur,1701, Bangladesh
An experiment on maize/spinach-red amaranth intercropping was conducted to find out suitable planting system in two successive rabi seasons (2002-2004) where spinach and red amaranth were intercropped one after another with normal and paired row planted maize. Sole plots yield was higher than that of intercrop plots. Although intercropping system reduced maize yield by 4 to 19% in different treatments but total productivity and profitability was increased with an additional yield of spinch (2.84 to 7.08 t/ha) and red amaranth (1.05 to 2.33 t/ha). Intercropping system also increased land equivalent ratio (LER), maize equivalent yield (MEY) and monetary advantage. The highest LER (1.99), MEY (17 t/ha), gross return (129075 Tk/ha), net return (100181 Tk/ha) and benefit cost ratio (4.47) was obtained where 3 rows spinach followed by red amaranth was intercropped with normal row maize. All the intercropping system showed higher BCR than sole maize.
Weed Control Methods and Crop Performance in Cabbage
Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2(1): 346-349, 2009 (January)
M N Islam, M A K Mian, M S A Khan, M S Alam and M Azizur Rahman
OFRD, BARI, Commilla
The experiment was done at the farmers field of Kashimpur, Gazipur during winter season, 1998-2001, to find out the most effective weed control method for cabbage cultivation. Weeds were controlled by (i) hand weeding at 15 days after transplanting (DAT) (ii) hand weeding at 15 DAT + 35 DAT (iii) weeding by BARI weeder at 15 DAT + hand weeding at 35 DAT (iv) farmers practice (v) continuous weed free and compared with (vi) no weeding (control). Results revealed that weed population and growth were minimum in weed free, farmer’s practice, two hand weeding and BARI weeder + one hand weeding treatments. Consequently yield, yield attributes and economic performance was better in these weed control treatments. Higher yield of cabbage 56-61 t ha-1 was observed in weed free, farmer’s practice, two hand weeding and BARI weeder + one hand weeding treatments. Co-relation trend indicated that yield of cabbage was negatively correlated with weed growth ( r=-0.76 at p=0.01). However, about 46% yield loss was estimated due to weed competition in cabbage. Thus two hand weeding at 15 DAT and 35 DAT or BARI weeder at 15 DAT + one hand weeding at 35 DAT or farmers practice (4 weeding) was most as suitable weed control method for cabbage cultivation.
Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Dated: 18 August 2010.