Causes of Litchi Cracking in Ishurdi Region of Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
SSO, RARS (BARI), Ishudi
Pabna, Bangladesh
Litchi is a delicious fruit in Bangladesh. It plays a vital role in the economy of litchi growers. But litchi cracking is a curse to the litchi growers. Recently it is a severe problem for litchi growers. Attempt was made to identify the causes of litchi cracking at Ishurdi region. The observation was made on the litchi orchard of Abu Taher, Gangmatal, Solimpur Union of Ishurdi, Pabna. The causes of litchi cracking was preliminary identified as the imbalance application of Fungicides and Hormone. The farmer, Abu Taher sprayed Companion (Fungicides) and Letosen (Sodium- P- Nitrophenol, Sodium- 2,4-Dinitrophenol, Sodium-O-Nitrophenol, Sodium -5- Nitroguaiaco) and XL (Commercial name) as hormone in alternate day. The back end of litchi turned black and compact due to deposition of those spayed chemicals. The cell of skin (pericarp) caused death but internal growth continued. As a result the skis (pericarp) of litchi cracked. Un-sprayed plant bears healthy good fruit without cracking. Same incident occurred in another litchi grower’s orchard. Litchi cracking may also may caused by high temperature or by high temperature then sudden rains.