Monday, June 13, 2016



1.  Name                                 :DR.  MD. ABUL KHAYER MIAN
2.  Date of birth                    :29 December 1966
3. Father’s name                   : Late Md. Alem Mian
4. Mothers, name                  : Late Mrs. Tasrin

5.  Present address               : Principal Scientific Officer, Agronomy Division,
                                                Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI),
                                                  Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701,
                                                 Telephone:+88-02-9264193 OR +88-02-9261990 (Residence)
                                                 Phone: Cell: +8801914661301 OR +8801725087620
                                                 E-mail:  OR
                                         Khayer mian

6. Permanent address                       : Vill. Surjack, P.O. Bondapasa, U.Z. Boalmari, 
                                                             Dist. Faridpur, Bangladesh

7.  Nationality                       :Bangladeshi

8.  Academic qualification with div./class, year of passing and name of institution:

Name of Exam.
Ph.D. in Agronomy
BAU, Mymensingh
M.S.(Ag) in Agronomy
BAU, Mymensingh
BAU, Mymensingh
Yasin College, Faridpur
Sahasrail Public High School, Boalmari, Faridpur

9. Research and teaching experience:
a) Research experience: 23 years (1993-2016) 
1. Scientific Officer (Agronomy) at RARS, BARI, Ishwardi, Pabna (26.09.1993 -31.03.1997)
2. Scientific Officer (Agronomy) at RARS, BARI, Jessore (01.04.1997- 23.01.2006)
3. Senior Scientific Officer (Agronomy, OFRD), BARI, Commilla (24.01.2006- 12.11.2008)  
4. Senior Scientific Officer (Agronomy), RARS, BARI, Ishwardi (13.11.2008-17.5.2014)  
5. Principal Scientific Officer (Agronomy), RARS, BARI, Ishwardi (18.5.2014-08.11.2015)
6. Principal Scientific Officer (Agronomy), BARI, Gazipur 1701(09.11.2015.-Till now)

Conduction of Project: 3
i) PI of project: Adaptation of newly released HYV oil seeds (Mustard, Groundnut, Soybean
                        and Sesame) in Charland of Padma (KGF, BARC).
 ii). CI of project: Up-Scaling of Bed Planting System in Rabi and Kharif seasons at Farmers’
                              Field as changing Climate in Bangladesh (Ministry of Science and
iii). Site Worker: Development of crop production Technologies under unfavouravle Eco- 
                             System in Bangladesh (Ministry of Agricultural).
Conduction of Experiments: 210 (Appendix-3)

Developed Technology: 64 (Appendix-2)

b) Teaching experience
Experienced as a Tutor on ‘Irrigation System and Management’ at Bangladesh Open University (Centre: Kazi Nazrul Islam Degree College, Jessore) from 2003 to 2008. Again, from 2010-2015 (Centre: ATI, Ishwardi, Pabna). Also Experienced as a Tutor on Statistics, and Introductory Agriculture & Environment, Agricultural Extension at Bangladesh Open University (Centre: ATI, Ishwardi, Pabna) from 2009 to 2015. Served as an examiner in theory and practical on the mentioned subjects and sometimes external examiner of other subjects. Sometimes question setter of the above subjects. Moreover, sometimes resource person and examiner of relevant subjects of Ag. Diploma (Technical Education Board).          

c) Reviewer of Journal
1. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research
2. International Journal of Bioresearch

d) Supervisor of higher studies
   i. Co-supervisor of Ph.D. student
       Md. Shamsul Alam
      Crop Science and Technology
      University of Rajshahi
    ii. Co-Supervisor of M. Phil Student
        Md. Mukarram Hossain
        Department of Botany  
        University of Rajshahi

e) Award
    PM award for Ph.D. research work.

f)  Publication (Full paper): 50 (Appendix-1) 
     i) Paper Published in the Reputed International Journal: 12
     ii) Other International & National Journal: 38 
     Other publications: 35
                i) Short communication: 5
                ii) Booklets: 9
                iii) Abstracts and others: 21
Writing of Popular Article: 22

g) Paper presented at National and International Seminar/Conference

Title of Paper
Year and Location
Performance of maize oriented  cropping patterns under different nutrient management
Seminar of Ph.D. Dissertation
2008. Bangladesh Agricultural University  (BAU) Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance
International Conference on Crop Production under Changing Climate in Bangladesh: Agronomic Options
2010. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farm gate Dhaka. Bangladesh
Spacing and nitrogen-phosphorus requirement of dwarf pigeonpea for rainfed cultivation 
International Conference on Crop Production under Changing Climate in Bangladesh: Agronomic Options
2010. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farm gate Dhaka. Bangladesh
Phenological development, growth and yield of lentil genotypes under prevailing temperature at varying sowing time
International seminar 2010. Climate change and environmental changes of 21st Century.
2010. University of  Rajshahi
Weed infestation in some rabi crops under AEZ 11
Weed management for sustainable crop production. 2nd Biennial Confer. Weed Sci. Soci. Bangladesh.
2011. Sher-e- Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
Recent research thrust addressing climate change and how far agronomists can do?

Regular seminar of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
2011. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Performance of maize oriented  cropping patterns under different nutrient management
Regular seminar of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
2011. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Crop production at stress environment specially at charland 
Crop production at changing Climate (organized by DAE)
2011. Bangladesh Sugarcane Research institute, Ishurdi, Bangladesh
Performance of BARI Released mustard, lentil and wheat varieties at charland under rainfed condition.
In confer. BSA. Crop  Production under unfavourable ecosystems in Bangladesh.
2011. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
 Estimation of Nutrient level of BARI Sarisha-11 at charland.
In confer. BSA. Crop Production under unfavourable ecosystems in Bangladesh.
2011. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Agro-climatological effect on summer mungbean.

In11th Conference of BSA. Advances of Agronomic Res. under Changing Environment in Bangladesh.
2012. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Weed infestation and yield loss assessment in black gram.

4th Coner. Weed Sci. Society of Bangladesh.

2013. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka.
Assessing Agro-Climatological
Model of Summer Mungbean
International conference on Crop Management in Changing limate
2013. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Improving Crop Productivity in Char Land: Possibilities and
Regular seminar of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
2013. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Assessing Agro-Climatic Effect on Kharif  Mungbean
Regular seminar of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
2013. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh

h) Training                                

Name of programme
BARI ,  Joydebpur
Induction training
CLAN/ICRISAT (India) & BARI, Joydebpur

On farm research methodology

Cost and Return Analysis in Agriculture
BARC& BARD, Comilla
Foundation Training
BARC & BARD Comilla

Computer Application
BARC and BARD & Comilla Motor Driving and Mechanics Training School

Motor Driving

BARI, Joydebpur

Vegetable production
BARI, Joydebpur

Summer vegetable production
BARI, Joydebpur

Vegetable seed production
BADC, Dhaka

Fertilizer analysis and quality control
BARI, Joydebpur

Commercial cultivation of flowers
APTECH Computer Education & BARI

Data processing and use of different computer programs

Training of Stress Agronomy

Computer based statistical analysis and internet use.

On-Farm Research Methodology

Training on crop production Technology, Computer skill, Data Analysis and Writing of Scientific Report  for  Site Coordinator of BTV

Research Methodology

Project Development and Management

I. Members and Linkage with national and international organization
  1. Research Gate (
  2. Science Digest. Markaz F-10, Islambad-Pakistan. 
  3. Science Alert (
  4. Bangladesh Society of Agronomy (BSA)
  5. Weed Science Society of Bangladesh (WSSB)
  6. Bangladesh Association for the Advancement Science (BAAS)
  7. Botanical Society of Bangladesh (BSB)
  8. Krishibid Institution
  9. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Scientist Association (BARISA)
  10. Department of Crop Science and Technology. University of Rajshahi.
  14.  URBORA

J. Helping in Administration and Research Management

1.      Served as a contract scientist for sending massages to ‘BARI Sangbad
     (Director, Training and Communication) of BARI from 2002 to 2005.   
2.      Advisory service to farmers for solving field oriented problems.
3.      Participated in regional, central and national workshops/seminars on agricultural
      research and related topics.
4.      Participated in field days and rally’s on crop production.
5.      Two years research experience on Tuber crops.  
6.      Experienced on farm management for several times (1997-2006.
7.      Chairman of committee for many managerial works given by Director PRC and RARS, Ishurdi.
8.      Chairman of many purchase committee and sometime member.
9.      Chairman of supervisory work in Construction at PRC and RARS (2008-2015).
10.  Preparation of Regional Research Reports of RARS for BARI workshop 2012-2015.
11.  Compilation of Research Report of RARS and PRC for Regional Research-Extension Workshop 2013-2015. 
12.  Helps in Visiting of Foreign delegates at PRC and RARS, Ishurdi (2008-2015).
13.  Advisory service to post graduate students of different Universities.
14.  Linkage of different national and international Universities and organizations. 
15.  Advisory service to the visiting students of different Universities, Colleges, Schools and other Organizations.
16.  Publishing of scientific article and news in website: and bul Khayer Mian
17.  Helping in Administration of Director, PRC and RARS, Ishwardi (2018-2005). Now of CSO, BARI.


 Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Agronomy Division
Regional Agricultural Research Station
Ishwardi 6620, Pabna 6620
Cell: +8801914661301
Phone: +88-02-9264193

Publications Full paper: 50 
(a) Paper Published in the Reputed International Journal (12)

1.      M. A. K. Mian, A. M.A. Kamal, S.M.A. Hossain and N. Islam. 2011. Green/brown manuring and nutrient levels influences on soil nutrient balance in Maize-Green/brown manure-Transplant aman rice cropping pattern. J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 2(1&2):119-126. (Nepal).
2.    M. A. K. Mian, K.U. Ahammad, M.N. Islam, N. A. Sultana and M.S. Alam. 2012. Assessing simple functional yield model for Mustard-Borow-T.aman rice cropping pattern under nutrient management. Bull.Inst. Trop. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 35:1-9 (Japan).
3.      M. A. K. Mian and J. Hossain. 2014. Nitrogen level and Physiological basis of Yield of Mungbean at Varying Plant Population in High Ganges River Flood Plain Soil of Bangladesh. Pakistan J. Biological Sci: 17(7): 925-930 (Pakistan).
4.    M. N. Islam, R. K. Paul, T. M. K. Anwar and M. A. K. Mian.1996. Effects of foliar application of nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield of wheat. Thai. J. Agric.Sci.29:323-328.
5.    M. N. Islam, R. K. Paul, M. S. Borhan, M. O. Ali and M. A. K. Mian.1996. Mixed cropping lentil with linseed at different seeding rates. Thai. J. Agric. Sci. 29: 527-530.
6.    M. N. Islam, M. A. K. Mian, R. K. Paul and M. O. Ali. 1997. Suitability of intercropping flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) with lentil (Lens culinaris). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 67(6):256-258.
7.    R.R. Saha, M.A. Quayyum , S. Alom, P. C. Sraker, A. Khayer and A.F.M.F. Rahman. 2001. Fertilizer management in hybrid maize with soybean intercropping system under irrigated condition. Outline J. Biological Sci.1(9):812-812. (Pakistan).
8.    M. R. Islam, M.K. Uddin, M. A. K. Mian, R. Zaman J. Hossain. 2015.  Performance of garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes after transplant aman rice harvest under zero tillage mulched condition. Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. 3(1): 26-30 (India).
9.    M. R. Islam, M.K. Uddin, M.H.R. Sheik, M.A.K. Mian and M. Z. Islam. 2012. Yield of   Garlic under different levels of Zinc and Boron. SAARC J. Agric. 10 (1):55-62.
10.N. Ara, M.A.K. Mian, M.F. Hossain and M. K. Bashar.2012. Performance of plantain lines at the agro-climatic condition of AEZ (11). Bull. Inst. Trop. Agr. Kyushu Univ.35:19-25 (Japan).
11.   M.R. Islam, M.F. Hossain, M.A.K. Mian, J. Hossain and M.A. Alam. 2016Outcome of intercropping garlic with brinjal for the small holder. Indian J. Agric. Res., 50 (2) 2016 : 177-182.
12.  M. A.K. Mian, M.R. Islam and J. Hossain. 2016. Sowing time and air temperature: A functunal yield model of lentil. Bull.Inst. Trop. Agr. Kyushu Univ. (Accepted).   

(b) Other International & National Journal (38) 

1.     M. A. K. Mian, M.N. Islam and A. Matin.2001. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on the yield of barley in high  ganges river floodplain soil. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(1):47-51.
2.      M. A. K. Mian, M.A. Khalaque and M.M. Rahman. 2001. Effect of row orientation and weed control method on the yield and yield components of mustard. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(1):137-145.
3.      M. A. K. Mian, M.N. Islam and B.C.Kundu. 2001.  Weed infestation and performance of mustard as affected by type of plough and number of ploughing. J. Asiat.Soc. Bangladesh Sci. 27(2):189-194.
4.      M. A. K. Mian, A. Ahmed and A. Matin. 2002. Growth, yield and economics of hybrid maize as affected by rate and time of nitrogen application. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 27(1):41-46.   
5.      M. A. K. Mian, M.A. Aziz, M.A.Hossain and M.R. Karim. 2002.  Physiological behaviour of mungbean cultivars due to sowing time. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 27(1):75-84.
6.      M. A. K. Mian, M.N. Islam, M.A. Matin, K.U. Ahammad and M.A. Aziz. 2003.
     Response  of chickpea to management level in Barind tract. Bangladesh J. Bot. 32(2):77-79. 

7.      M. A. K. Mian, A. M.A. Kamal, S.M.A. Hossain and N. Islam. 2010. Productivity and economics performance of Maize-Green manure- T.aman rice cropping pattern under different nutrient management. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 35(4):717-728.
8.      M. A.K. Mian, A.T.M.Hamidullah, M.S.Alom, M.Q.I. Matin and M.B.Banu. 2010. Productivity and nutrient balance in maize based intercropping under different nutrient levels. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 6(2): 61-71.
9.      M.A.K. Mian, M.K. Uddin, M.R. Islam, N.A. Sultana and H. Kohinur. 2011. Crop performance and estimation of the effective level of phosphorus in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Academic J. Plant Sci. 4(1): 01-05.
10.  M.A.K. Mian, M.S. Alam, M.J. Alam and J.Hossain. 2011. Weed growth, yield and economics of  Maize+Spinach intercropping. Bangladesh J. Weed Sci. 2(1&2):41-46.
11.  M. N. Islam, R. K. Paul and M. A. K. Mian .1997. Intercropping cigarette tobacco with chickpea. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 32.(3):362-366.
12.  M. N. Islam, M. A. K. Mian, R. K. Paul, R. Rabbani and M.Amin. 1997. Intercropping  papaya (Carica papaya L.) with  mungbean ( Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 7(2):89-93.
13.  M.R. Uddin, M.A. Hossain, M.A.K.Mian, M.Z. Uddin, M.H.Reza and M.A.M. Mahatabuddin . 1997. Effect of stem cutting and spacing on the growth and yield of tomato. Bangladesh Hort. 25(1&2): 41-46.
14.  M. A. Aziz, M.A.Khayer, A.B.M. Abul Khayer and M.A.Ahad Miah. 1998. Yield of sesame as affected by sowing dates and variety. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 23(4):641-646.
15.  M. A. Hossain, A. M. Akanda, M. A. K. Mian and I. H. Mian. 2001. Effect of potato leaf roll virus and potato virus y infected seed tubers on the growth and yield of potato. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(3):351-356.
16.  M. A. Hossain, A. M. Akanda, M.K.A.Bhuiyan, M. A. K. Mian and M.A.Matin. 2001. Performance  of four  potato cultivars as affected by different levels of concentration of potato virus y. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 26(4):573-578.  
17.   M. A. Hossain, M.S.A.Khan, M.S.Alom, M.A.K. Mian and S. Ahmed. 2004. Studies on       production factors limiting yield of chickpea. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res.29(3):409-418.
18.  M. N. Islam, M.A.K. Mian, R.U. Choudhury, M.S. Alom and M.S. Aktar. 2005.      Fertilizer management in hybrid maize-bush bean intercropping systems. 2005. The   Agriculturists. 3(1&2):78-83. 
19.  M.S. Alom, M.A. Hossain, M.A.K. Mian and B.L. Nag. 2006. Effects of herbicides on    weed control in maize (Zea mays L.). J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol.    3(3&4):209-212.    
20.  M.S. Alom, M. Aktheruzzaman, M.A. Hoaasin, M.A.K. Mian and M.A.Rahman. 2007.      Effect of population density and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of sweet corn.       Bangladesh J.  Prog. Sci. & Tech. 5(1):101-104.
21.  F. Ahmed, M.R. Rahaman, M.A.H.S.Jahan, M.Ahmed and M.A.Khayer. 2008. Effect of       different planting systems in maize/spinach-red amaranth in intercropping. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 2(2): 69-76. 
22.  N.A. Sultana, M.N. Haque, M.N.Islam, M.M. Rahman and M.A.K. Mian. Yield       attributes, yield and economic performance of mustard varieties under different  management practices at farmers level. J. Ag.Edu.Technol.11 (1&2):73-78. 
23.  M.N. Islam, M. Azizur Rahman and M.A.K. Mian. 2009. Weed control methods and  crop  performance in cabbage. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2(1):346-349.  
24.  M.R.Islam, M.A.K. Mian, M.O. Kaisar, K.U. Ahamed and M.A. Alam. 2010. Performance of garlic bulb production under zero tillage mulched condition as affected  by time of weeding. J.Sci. Technol. 8:164-170.  
25.  M.M. Bashir, M.A.K. Mian, M.N.Islam, N.A. Sultana and M.S. Alam. 2011. Productivity, economics and nutrient balance in Boro-T.aman rice cropping pattern as      influenced by boro rice straw incorporation and nutrient level. Int. J. Sustain, Agril. Tech. 7(3):38-42.
26.  N. Ara. M.K. Bashar, Wais Kabir and M.A.K. Mian. 2011. Effect of planting time on       the growth, yield and yield attributes of banana on a gangetic flood plain soil in Ishurdi.     Bangladesh J. Life Sci. 23(1):97-103.
27.  M.A.K.Mian, M.R. Islam, M.N. Islam and J. Hossain. 2011. Estimation of nutrient level of mustard in  charland. Bangladesh Agron. J. 14(1&2):27-32.  
28.  M.A.K.Mian, M.R. Islam, J. Hossain and M.S.Alam. 2011. Performance of BARI released mustard, lentil and wheat varieties at charland under rainfed condition. Bangladesh Agron. J. 14(1&2):103-107. 
29.  M.A.K. Mian, K.U. Ahmmad, M.R. Islam, M.S. Alam and M.Q.I. Matim. 2012.      Estimation of Nutrient level in Mustard-Boro-T.aman rice cropping Pattern. J. Sci.       Technol. 9&10: 1-7.
30.  R.R. Saha, M. Biswas, M.A.K. Mian, M.Z. Ali and P.C. Golder. 2011. Growth and yield of wheat varieties under late sown conditions. Bangladesh Agron. J. 14(1&2):33-42.
31.  J. Hossain , Yasmin, A.K.M.R. Amin, and M.A.K.Mian. 2012. Performance of BRRI dhan29 as influenced by Nitrogen and seeding raised in different methods. Bangladesh Agron. J. 15(1):63-69.   
32.  M. N. Islam, M.A. Hossain, M. Mohiuddin, M.A.K. Mian, M. Biswas and M. Akteruzzaman. 2012. Crops and cropping of char areas in Bangladesh. Bangladesh  Agron. J. 15(2):1-10.
33.  M. R. Islam, M. K. Uddin, M. A. K. Mian,  M. T. Rahman and J. Hossain. 2012. Effect of different levels of irrigation and sulphur fertilizer on the bulb yield of garlic under zero tillage mulched cultivation. Bangladesh  Agron. J. 15(2): 75-82.
34.  M. R. Islam, M.A.K. Mian and M. T. Rahman. 2012. Suitability of intercropping sesame with mukhikachu. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 37(4): 625-634.
35.  M R Islam, M A K Main, N Ara and M F Hossain. 2013. Intercropping lentil and turmeric relayed with pointed gourd. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 9(1):33-37.
36.  J. Hossain, Yasmin, A.K.R.R. Amin, P.K. Biswas, M.A.K. Mian and M.R. Islam. 2013. Growth and Yield of Soybean as influenced by nutrient level and Irrigation Schedule. Bangladesh  Agron. J. 16(1): 29-38. 
37.  M R Islam, M A K Main, S.N. Mahfuza, J. Hossain and A. Hannan. 2015. Efficiency of intercropping vegetables and spices relayed with pointed gourd. Bangladesh  Agon.J. 18(1):7-12.
38.  J. Hossain, M.S. Alom, MAK. Mian, M.R. Islam. 2016. Economic feasibility of intercropping of chilli with sweet gourd. Int. J. Agril. Innov. & Tech. 5(2):64-69.

(c) Short Communication (5)    
39.  M.A.K. Mian, M.N. Islam. M.O.Ali. and R.K. Paul. 1999. Effect of type of plough and      level of ploughing on the performance of mustard in Calcareous grey floodplain soil of     Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Sci.Ind. Res.34(2):299-302.
40.  M. A. K. Mian and M. A. Samad. 2001. Weed suppressing ability and performance of     transplanted aman rice as affected by cultivar and date of transplanting. Bangladesh J.     Agril. Res. 26(4):619-623.
41.  M.A.K. Mian, K.U.Ahamed, M.H. Hossain and M.A. Hossain. 2005. Screening of      potato for saline tolerance. Bangladesh J. Bot. 34(2):129-130.
42.   M.A.K. Mian, M.A.Matin and M.A. Hossain. 2007. Occurrence of weed species in     transplanted  aman rice as affected by cultivar. Bangladesh J. Bot. 36(1):89-92. 
43.  N. Islam, M.A.K. Mian, M.S. Alam and M. O. Ali. 1997.  Yield maximization of italian millet through fertilizer management. Bangladesh J.Sci. Ind. Res. 32.(3):470-471.

(d) Booklets/Monographs: 9
44.  A. K. Mian, M.H. Hossain, M.A. Hossain and M.N.Islam. 2008. Harmful effects of Weeds and their Control in Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds Crops. BARI. 24 p. (In Bengale).
45.  M. A. K. Mian, B.L. Nag and Ali,M.A. 2008. Hybrid Maize-Mungbean-T.aman rice   cropping pattern. RARS.BARI. 16p. (In  Bengale).
46.  M.A. Hossain, M. A. K. Mian, M.H. Hossain, and M.N.Islam. 2008. Role of Organic Matter for Soil Fertility Conservation. BARI. 16p. (In Bengale).
47.  M. A.K. Mian, M.R. Islam, N.Ara, J.Hossain and M.S. Alam. 2013. Intercropping red amaranth/spinach/ginger/turmeric with pointed gourd. RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620.       10 P. (In Bengale).
48.  M. A. Khaleque, M. A. K. Mian and J. Hossain. 2013. Bed system: A Profitable Way for Cultivation of Field crops. RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620. 16p. ( In Bengale). 
49.  N. Ara, M.F. Hossain, M.A.K. Mian, M.R.Islam and K. U. Ahmed.2013. Year round pointed cultivation. RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620. 12P. ( In Bengale). 
50.  M R Islam, M A K Main, J. Hossain and F. Hossain. 2015. Intercropping lentil and turmeric with pointed gourd. RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620. 16p. ( In Bengale).
51.  M R Islam, M A K Main, J. Hossain, R. Zaman and A. Hossain. 2015. Intercropping sesame with Mukhikachu . RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620. 16p. ( In Bengale).
52.  M A K Mian, M.S. Alom, S.Rahaman, F. Nahar, M.R. Islam and J. Hossain. 2016. Use of modern oilseed crop technologies in charland. RARS and PRC, Ishwardi 6620. 12p. (In  Bengale).

(e) Seminar/Workshop/Symposium Proceedings (Abstracts): 21

 Principal Author (15)
1. M.A.K.Mian. 1998.  Crop weed competition in groundnut. In Abstract. BAAS. Twentieth
  Bangladesh Sci. Confer.28-30.Nov.1998. 20(1):6.
2. M.A.K.Mian. 1998. Use of nitrogen and weed control in mustard. In  Abstract. BAAS.

   Twentieth Bangladesh Sci. Confer.28-30.Nov.1998. 20(1):9.
3. M.A.K.Mian, M.A. Matin, M.A.Aziz and M.N. Islam.2002. Some aspect of agronomic
   management for higher yield of chickpea at barind tract. In  Abstract. Annual Bangladesh
   Botanical Confer. 12 Jan.2002. 58: p.22.
4. M.A.K. Mian, K.U.Ahamed and M.H Hossain. 2003. Screening of potato for saline tolerance. Annual Bot. Confer. (December 29-30). p.36.   
5. M. A. K. Mian, M. A. Aziz, M. R. Islam and M. S. Alam. 2010. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (Pot culture). “Annual Bot. Confer. (9-10 January). University of Chittagong.  p. 32.
6. M.A.K. Mian and M. A. Samad. Weed growth in transplanted aman rice ecosystem as affected by cultivar. 2010.  “Annual Bot. Confer. (9-10 January). University of Chittagong.  p. 37.

7. M. A. K. Mian, M. R. Islam, M. S. Alam. M.A. Aziz. 2010. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (Field Experiment). In Abstract. Bangladesh Soci. Agron.  Inter. Confer. “Crop production under changing climate in Bangladesh: Agronomic Options.” Confer. (6-7 October). Bangladesh Agril Res. Coun. Farmgate. Dhaka 1207. p. 1.

8. M. A. K. Mian and M. R. Islam. 2010. Phenological Development, growth and yield of lentil genotypes under prevailing temperature at varying sowing time. Inter. Seminar.    “Climate Change and Environmental Challenges of 21st Century” (7-9 December). Inst. of Environmental Sci. University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. p.20.
9. M.A.K.Mian, B.L. Nag, M.S. Alam , F.ahmed and M.N.Islam. 2011. Weed growth in maize+spinach intercropping. In Abstract. Weed management for sustainable crop production. 2nd Biennial Confer. Weed Sci. Soci. Bangladesh. p.40.
 10. M.A.K.Mian, M.R. Islam, M.J. Alam M.R. Humauan and B. Akter. 2011. Weed infestation in some rabi crops under AEZ-11. In Abstract. Weed management for sustainable crop production. 2nd Biennial Confer. Weed Sci. Soci. Bangladesh. p.41.
11. M.A.K.Mian, M.R.Islam, J. Hossain and M.S. Alam. 2011. Performance of BARI Released mustard, lentil and wheat varieties at charland under rainfed condition. In confer. BSA. Crop  Production under unfavourable ecosystems in Bangladesh. BARI, Gazipur-1701. p. 45.
12. M.A.K.Mian, M.R.Islam, M.N. Islam and J. Hossain. 2011. Estimation of Nutrient level of BARI Sarisha-11 at charland. In confer. BSA. Crop Production under unfavourable ecosystems in Bangladesh. BARI, Gazipur-1701. p. 46.
13. M.A.K. Mian, J. Hossain and M. R. Islam. 2015. Relationship of weed association with grain yield of wheat as affected by seed rate. In 5th confer. WSSB. Integrated weed management for sustainable crop production. BARC, Dhaka. p. 56.
14. M.A.K. Mian, M. R. Islam and M.S. Alom. 2015. Weed competition and yield loss assessment ofmungbean in kharif-1 season under AEZ-11. In 5th confer. WSSB. Integrated weed management for sustainable crop production. BARC, Dhaka. p. 56.
15. M.A.K. Mian, M. S. Alom. S. Rahman, and F. Nahar. 2015. Major weed association and yield of yield of wheat, mustard, groundnut and sesame in charland ecosystem of Padma. In 5th confer. WSSB. Integrated weed management for sustainable crop production. BARC, Dhaka. p. 58.

Co-Author (6)
1. J. Hossain, Yasmin, A.K.M.R. Amin and M.A.K.Mian. 2011. Performance of BRRI Dhan 29 as Influenced by nitrogen application and seedling from different methods. In confer. BSA. Crop Production under unfavourable ecosystems in Bangladesh. BARI, Gazipur-1701. p. 46
2. M.S.Alam, M.A.Islam and M.A.K Mian. Spacing and nitrogen-phosphorus requirementof dwarf pegionpea  for rainfed cultivation.  In Abstract. Bangladesh Soci. Agron.  Inter. Confer. “Crop production under changing climate in Bangladesh: Agronomic Options.” Confer. (6-7 October). Bangladesh Agril Res. Coun. Farmgate. Dhaka 1207. p. 2.
 3.  M.J. Alam, M.S. Alam, M.J.Uddin, M.R. Humauan and M.A.K.Mian. 2011. Major weed infestation in mungbean at high ganges river floodplain (AEZ-11). In Abstract. Weed management for sustainable crop production. 2nd Biennial Confer. Weed Sci. Soci. Bangladesh. p.41.
4. M.S. Alam, M.J. Alam, M.A. Islam M.J.Uddin and M.A.K.Mian. 2011. Herbicidal weed control in mungbean.. In Abstract. Weed management for sustainable crop production. 2nd Biennial Confer. Weed Sci. Soci. Bangladesh. p.46.
5. M. S. Alom and M. A. K. Mian. 2015. Herbicidal weed control of mungbean in kharif-1 season under AEZ-11. In 5th confer. WSSB. Integrated weed management for sustainable crop production. BARC, Dhaka. p. 57.
6. J. Hossain, M.A.K.Mian and M. R. Islam. 2015. Suitability of herbicidal weed control in mungbean. In 5th confer. WSSB. Integrated weed management for sustainable crop production. BARC, Dhaka. p. 56.


Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Agronomy Division
Bangladesh Agricultural  Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701


Development of Technology (Component Technology):


Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Agronomy Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh

Developed method/Technology (As component technology)
Weed control at critical period of weed competition in groundnut:
One hand weeding at 20-40 DAE increased 165% yield of groundnut in early kharif season.
Weed control and nitrogen application in mustard:
 one hand weeding at 20-35 DAE and nitrogen @120 kg/ha produced 78% higher yield (2150 kg/ha) over control  in mustard at Ishurdi region.
Tobacco and lentil intercropping:
Tobacco paired row + 50 lentil intercropping system gave the highest monetary advantage (Tk.20804/ha) and BCR of 6.08 at Ishurdi area.
Tobacco and chickpea intercropping:
 Paired row tobacco + 4 row chickpea intercropping gave 53% average yield advantage over sole cropping with BCR of 8.98.
Suitable ploughing and use of BARI- plough for weed control in mustard:
Four ploughing by BARI plough is more suitable for weed control than by country plough for better yield in mustard with higher BCR of 1.95.
Suitable intercropping combination of fodder maize and mukhi-  kachu:
One row fodder (harvested at 45 DAE) maize (50 cm x 25 cm) after two row muhki- kachu (50 cm x 25 cm) and one row fodder (harvested at 45 DAE) maize (50 cm x 25 cm) after three row mukhi-kachu (50 cm x 25 cm) are two profitable combinations with same BCR of 2.6.
Suitable nitrogen and irrigation doses for barley:
Nitrogen (80 kg/ha) and irrigation (one at CRI stage) of barley produced 117% higher yield at Ishurdi region.
Fertilizer management in mustard-chickpea intercropping system:
Tow row mustard after two row chickpea (50 mustard: 50 chickpea) with 20-15-10 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O gave the highest BCR of 4.1.
Fertilizer management in chickpea-linseed  intercropping system:
Two row chickpea after one row linseed (67 chickpea: 33 linseed) with 20-40-20 kg/ha of N-P0O5-K2O is suitable intercropping system at Jessore region.
Fertilizer management in wheat- chickpea intercropping system:
Two row wheat after one row chickpea (67 wheat: 33 chickpea) with 30-25-15 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O was more profitable intercropping system with BCR of 2.97 at Jessore region.
Seeding ratio of  lentil-linseed mixed cropping system:
Lentil 100% and linseed 33% is the best combination ratio for lentil-linseed mixedcropping system.
Optimum sowing time of sesame:
Sowing between 1-15 March is the optimum for the sesame variety named T6 and Jamalpur.  

Suitable Nitrogen dose and its time of application for hybrid maize:
Nitrogen @ 250 kg/ha when applied 1/3 N as basal + 1/3 N at 45 DAE + 1/3 N at 85 DAE is more suitable for composite maize at Jessore region.
Suitable management practices for composite maize:
Nutrients @160-80-60-40-5 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S-Zn + three irrigation at 30, 60, & 90 DAE are more suitable for composite maize at Jessore region.
Mechanical and chemical weed control in mustard:
Mechanical weeding by BARI-weeder in row (30cm) sowing and by pre-emergence weedicide application (Ronstar @ 30 ml/10 L water)       are two economic weed control methods in mustard with BCR of       2.12 and 2.20 respectively.
Economic fertilizer dose  for hybrid maize- soybean intercropping system:
Normal row of maize + 2 soybean or paired row of maize + 4 row soybean with 150-60-60-10-5 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S-Zn are profitable for Jessore region.
Suitable chickpea variety for intercropping with mustard:
BARI Chola-5 is more suitable variety than others for intercropping with mustard (two rows chickpea alternate with two rows of mustard i.e. seeding ratio of 50 chickpea: 50 mustard).
Optimum plant spacing for maize cultivation:
 Plant spacing of 60 cm x 25 cm for one plant/hill or  60 cm x 50 cm for two plant/hill is more suitable for higher yield of maize.
Superior weed control methods in ground at Jessore region:
 i) Two hand weeding at 25 and 50 DAE.
 ii) Pre emergence weedicide (Ronstar @ 30 ml/10 L water) + one hand weeding at 25 DAE.
 iii) Pre emergence weedicide (Ronstar @ 30 ml/10 L water) + two hand weeding at 25 & 50 DAE.
Suitable varieties of hybrid maize for intercropping with soybean:
Pacific-11 and Pacific-60 are two suitable varieties of hybrid maize for intercropping with soybean.
Chemical weed control in groundnut:
Weedicide ‘Ronstar’ as pre emergence& post emergence; Diamine’ as pre emergence and ‘gramoxone’ as pre emergence & post emergence were found more suitable for chemical weed control in ground. 
Integrated weed management in groundnut:
Pre emergence “Ronstar” + one hand weeding at 25 DAE and Pre emergence “Ronstar” + Two hand weeding at 25& 50 DAE were found superior weed control methods in groundnut.
Cultural management for hybrid maize:
Nutrients @ 200-80-80-30-5 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S-Zn + 3 irrigation at 30 60 & 90 DAE + 2 hand weeding at 25 & 50 DAE along with application of ‘Dimecron’ 60 EC @ 2 ml/1L water (spray) were found more suitable for economic cultivation of hybrid maize varieties (Pacific-11, Pacific-60 and BARI hybrid maize-1).
Nitrogen and spacing for sweet corn:

Nitrogen 160 kg/ha (at Basal and at  35 & 60DAE)  with row spacing of 75 x 25 cm are suitable for growing sweet corn at Jessore region.

Seed rate and higher biomass for green manuring of dhaincha and succeeding effect:
Seed rate of 40-50 kg/ha is more suitable for higher biomass production indicating positive effect on T. aman but not wheat. 
Weed control in maize in early kharif season:
Two hand weeding at 25 and 45 DAE or pre-emergence application of U-46 is the suitable weed control method for maize.
Suitable potato varieties for coastal area:
Heera, Chamok, Multa, Colombus, Srinda and TPS-1 are suitable potato varieties for coastal area producing yield over 18 t/ha.
Suitable nitrogen dose and spacing for mungbean (BARI mung-5):
Nitrogen 40 kg/ha at 25cm x 12cm spacing is suitable for BARI mung-5 for better growth and higher yield.
Fertilization in hybrid maize-mungbean-T.aman cropping pattern:
High productivity: 350-180-180-45 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S for maize
                                      30-30-30 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O for mungbean
                                      150-90-60-15 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S for T.aman

Economic dose   : 200-90-90-22 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S for maize
                                      15-15-15 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O for mungbean
                                      75-45-30-8 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S for T.aman

Productive and profitable maize based cropping patterns in Jessore region:
Maize-Mungbean (GM)-T.aman rice  and Maize+Intercrops (sweet potato or soybean)-  Mungbean (GM)-T.aman rice under high nutrient level (266-46-132-28-2.10-0.60 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn-B for maize and 100-13-43-6.0-0.70 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn for rice ) are highly productive and profitable cropping patterns.
Improved maize based cropping patterns in Jessore region:
Maize-Dhaincha (GM)-T.aman rice and Maize-Soybean (GM)-T.aman rice under high nutrient level (266-46-132-28-2.10-0.60 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn-B for maize and 100-13-43-6.0-0.70 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn for rice) are also desirable cropping patterns in respect of productivity, economic performance and improvement of soil health.
Suitable intercropping and nutrient management in Jessore region:
Maize+ Sweet potato, Maize+ Soybean and Maize+ Cowpea under high nutrient level (266-46-132-28-2.10-0.60 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn-B) are recommended as suitable intercropping systems for higher productivity and profitability.
Planting space and nutrient level for sweet potato: Planting space of 45 cm×15cm  and 45 cm×30 cm with nutrient levels of 100-50-125-15-1.5-1.0 kg/ha of N-P-K-S-Zn-B and 75-40-100-11-1.0-0.5 kg/ha of N-P-K-S-Zn-B   gave superior performance in respect of yield and economics.
Intercropping mungbean with mukhikachu: Mukhikachu (double row- 20cm/55cm/20×45cm) + mungbean broadcast (100%) gave superior performance in  respect of LER (2.15), equivalent yield and profitability (gross return Tk.168505.00/ha and gross margin of Tk. 85184.00/ha).
Suitable intercropping of vegetables and spices with pointed gourd: Pointed
   gourd+ 1 time bush bushbean+ginger (50%), pointed gourd+ 2 times spinach+ginger
   (50%) and pointed gourd+ 2 times lalshak+ginger (50%) are more productive and
   profitable in respect of pointed gourd equivalent yield (PEY) (109.74 to116.05 t/ha),
   relative yield  (2.29-2.42), gross return (Tk. 1316880.00-1392620.00/ha) and gross
   margin (Tk.722984.00-794694.00/ha) with BCR of 2.22-2.32.
Irrigation and phosphorus requirement for sesame in early kharif season: 
    Irrigation at 15 and 30 DAE with 60kg/ha of P is suitable for higher yield of
    sesame at Ishurdi region.
Requirement of irrigation and sulphur for garlic under zero tillage mulched
condition: Irrigation at 25+30 DAE or irrigation at 25+50+75 DAE with 30 kg/ha
of S are suitable for higher bulb yield of garlic at Ishurdi region.   
 Performance of garlic bulb production under zero tillage mulched condition as affected by time of weeding: Weeding at 25, 45 and 65 DAE is suitable for higher bulb yield, minimum weed infestation and maximum profit (in respect of gross margin and benefit cost ratio) under zero tillage mulched condition at Ishurdi region.

Intercropping of sesame with mukhikachu: Mukhikachu (double row-20cm/55cm/ 20 × 45cm) +two row sesame (60%) is suitable intercropping showing better in performance in respect of gross return (Tk.195960.00/ha), gross margin (Tk.143970.00/ha), and benefit cost ratio (3.76).
Intercropping different vegetables and spices with pointed gourd: Pointed  gourd+ 2 times spinach + 2 rows ginger is more productive and profitable technology giving the highest pointed gourd equivalent yield (116.26 t/ha) with LER (2.61), gross return (Tk. 1395120.00/ha), gross margin (Tk.870009.00/ha) and BCR (2.65).
Requirement of Zinc and Boron for garlic under zero tillage mulched condition: Application of 2 Kg Zinc with 1 kg Boron per hectare along with a blanket dose of 155-35-125-20 kg N-P-K-S/ha is suitable for higher bulb yield of garlic under zero tillage mulched condition at Ishurdi region.
Intercropping lentil and turmeric relayed with pointed gourd: Yield of pointed gourd was not influenced by the intercropped lentil and turmeric relayed with pointed gourd. Three rows lentil + two rows turmeric in between two lines of pointed gourd may be considered as the better combination in respect of pointed gourd equivalent yield (55.61 t/ha), gross return (Tk.834200 ha-1), gross margin (Tk.531445ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (2.76).
Proper harvesting time of mastered varieties: BARI Sarisha 11, BARI Sarisha 15 and BARI 16 are suitable for harvesting at golden yellow and maturity stage for the highest yield. But BARI Sarisha 13 and BARI Sarisha 14 are suitable for harvesting at golden yellow stage.
Fertilizer management of BARI Sarisha 11 in Charland: The nutrient, 115-33-43-27-2-2 kg/ha of N-P-K-S-Zn is suitable for BARI Sarisha 11 at charland.
Irrigation requirement for mungbean: Irrigation at 15+30 DAE or 15+30+45 DAE depending on weather conditions is suitable for better yield of mungbean.
Development of drought tolerant mungbean line: Lines, MBX-9009-6 and BMX 01007 are suitable for releasing as varieties for drought tolerance.
Temperature effect and suitable sowing time of mungbean: The 15 March is the best time for sowing mungbean at summer season but it can be extended upto 30 March for better yield. Higher temperature (above 250C) retards growth, pod development and reduced yield of mungbean.
Foliar Application of nitrogen on wheat in late sown condition: Recommended fertilizer dose +Spraying solution of 0.3% N at 40 DAE + booting stage + grain filling stage produced the highest grain yield (3.92 t/ha) and delayed senescence (3-4 days) of wheat plant.
Hybrid maize preceded by T. aman rice under zero tillage soil mulch condition: The highest maize grain yield (9.06 t/ha) was obtained from 50 cm × 20 cm plant spacing with earthing up at 25 DAE treatment.
Relay mustard with T.aman rice utilizing fallow land: BARI Sarisha-11 gave the highest seed yield (1633 kg ha-1) with the highest BCR (2.63) from recommended doze (120-35-45-30-2-2 kg ha-1 of N-P-K-S-Zn and B.) at relaying time + top dress ½ N at 1st irrigation.
Suitable crops varieties in charland: BARI Sarisha-11, BINA Sarisha-11, BARI Badam-8, BARI Soybean-5, BINA Soybean-1 and BARI Till-4 are suitable for growing in charland.   
Intercropping garlic with brinjal: The highest gross return (Tk.1013426 ha-1), gross margin (Tk.1384800 ha-1), BCR (3.73) and LER (2.59) were found in intercropping of brinjal 100% + garlic 70%.  This combination of intercropping system is recommended as profitable technology.
Herbicidal weed control in wheat:  Affinity was found suitable for controlling weeds in wheat showing the highest efficiency of weed control (72%) and producing seed yield of 3.15 t/ha.
Wheat and lentil varieties suitable in charland: Wheat varieties of BARI Gom-27 and BARI Gom-28 showed higher grain yield (2662-2918 kg/ha) and BARI Mosur- 7 gave higher seed yield of 1950 kg/ha in charland.  
Intercropping sesame  with turmeric: Intercropping with 100% population of turmeric and 3 lines of sesame (100%) gave the maximum rhizome yield, maximum equivalent yield and LER value (2.31).
Suitable sowing date of wheat:  The highest yield was 4.16 t/ha in 30 November sowing at Ishwardi region.
Suitable garlic varieties in mulched condition: Garlic line, GC0034 produced the highest bulb yield (8.38 t/ha) having higher individual bulb weight, number of leaves/plant, number of clove/bulb, 100-clove weight and neck diameter.
Drought tolerant garlic variety: BARI Rashun 2 was found better in drought condition.

Suitable dose of fertilizer and planting space for mukhikachu: The fertilizer dose of 25% higher than recommended dose and plant spacing 60 cm ´ 30 cm showed better performance in respect of gross return (Tk. 259800).
Late sown mustard: BARI Sharisha-16 gave higher dry matter production and seed yields (1.85 t/ha).
Herbicidal weed control in mungbean: The highest efficiency of weed control (56%) was found in affinity in mungbean.
Herbicidal weed control in lentil: Pre-emergence application of ‘Ronstar’ showed the highest efficiency of weed control (75%) in lentil.


Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701


Performed research works (Experiments) during 1993 to 2016.
(Written year-wise with locations)


Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Agronomy Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701

A. Year of 1993 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna. 

01.  Effect of seeding date on the yield of different varieties of sesame.
02. Study of crop weed competition on the yield and biomass production of groundnut.
03. Effect of tillage level and cultural practice on the yield of linseed.
04. Studies on nitrogen economy in mustard through weed control measure.
05. Intercropping cigarette tobacco with lentil at different planting geometry.
06. Studies on wheat based intercropping system under rainfed condition.

B. Year of 1994-1995 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna. 

07. Influence of season and sowing date on the yield and yield attributes of blackgram.
08. Growth, yield and mortality of chickpea as affected by different management practices.
09. Effect of plough and level of ploughing on weed infestation in mustard.
10. Fertilizer management in mustard + chickpea intercropping system in rainfed condition.
11. Intercropping cigarette tobacco with lentil at different planting geometry.
12. Intercropping cigarette tobacco with chickpea at different planting system and seeding ratio.

C. Year of 1995-1996 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna. 

13. Fertilizer management in mustard + chickpea intercropping system in rainfed condition.
14. Fertilizer management in wheat + chickpea intercropping/mixed cropping system.
15. Effect of plough and level of ploughing on weed infestation in mustard.
16. Effect of mixed and intercropping of foxtail millet with sesame.
17. Response of irrigation and nitrogen level on the yield and yield attributes of barley.

D. Year of 1996-1997 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna. 

18. Fertilizer management in wheat + chickpea intercropping/mixed cropping system.
19. Response of irrigation and nitrogen level on the yield and yield attributes of barley.
20. Intercropping fodder maize with mukhi-kachu.

E. Year of 1997-1998 at RARS, Jessore. 

21.  Effect of row orientation and weed control method on the yield of mustard.
22. Study on growth and yield of mungbean varieties under different sowing dates.
23. Evaluation of chickpea variety as inter row system with mustard.
24. Fertilizer management of chickpea + linseed in intercropping/mixedcropping system.
25. Fertilizer management in hybrid maize with soybean intercropping system under irrigated condition.
26. Yield potential of different crops under varying levels of simulated shading condition.
27. Growth and yield of hybrid maize as affected by nitrogen rate and time of application.
28. Effect of management practice on the yield of different varieties of hybrid maize.

F. Year of 1998-1999 at RARS, Jessore. 

29. Effect of row orientation and weed control method on the yield of mustard.
30. Evaluation of chickpea variety as inter row system with mustard.
31. Fertilizer management in hybrid maize with soybean intercropping system under irrigated condition.
32. Effect of plant density on the yield of different maize composites.
33. Integrated weed management in groundnut.

G. Year of 1999-2000 at RARS, Jessore. 

34. Integrated weed management in groundnut.
35. Effect of plant density on the yield of different maize composites.
36. Effect of variable management practice on the yield of different hybrid of maize.
37. Evaluation of hybrid maize variety for intercropping with soybean.
38. Maize groundnut intercrop performance in relation to time of planting.
39. Screening of weedicide efficacy on weed control in groundnut.

H. Year of 2000-2001 at RARS, Jessore. 

40. Effect of spacing and nitrogen fertilizer on the performance of sweet corn.
41. Identification of the factors limiting the high yield of chickpea.
42. Screening of weedicide efficacy on weed control in groundnut.
43. Effect of variable management practice on the yield of different hybrid of maize.
44. Evaluation of hybrid maize variety for intercropping with soybean.
45.  Effect of green manuring of dhaincha on succeeding T. aman –wheat cropping pattern.

I. Year of 2001-2002 at RARS, Jessore. 

46.  Effect of spacing and nitrogen fertilizer on the performance of sweet corn.
47. Identification of the factors limiting the high yield of chickpea.
48. Performance of hybrid maize-mungbean-T.aman rice in different fertilizer levels.
49. Effect of seed rate of dhaincha on biomass production and performance of succeeding T.aman rice-wheat pattern. 
50. Growth, dry matter partitioning and yield of BARI mung -5 as influenced by nitrogen and population density.

J. Year of 2002-2003 at RARS, Jessore. 
51. Yield reduction assessment of maize due to different management practices.
52. Screening of weedicide efficacy on weed control in maize.
53. Intercropping of hybrid maize with bush bean at different fertilizer levels.
54. Studies on weed biomass, growth and yield of maize and spinach under intercropping system.
55. Performance of different wheat varieties under rainfed condition.
56. Performance of hybrid maize-mungbean-T.aman rice in different fertilizer levels.
57. Growth, dry matter partitioning and yield of BARI mung -5 as influenced by nitrogen and population density.
58. Advanced yield trial with promising genotypes of potato.
59. Evaluation of TPS progenies in the first clonal generation (F1C1).
60. Evaluation of TPS progenies in the second clonal generation (F1C2).
61. Regional yield trial of CIP sweet potato lines.
62. Screening of potato varieties for coastal area.

K. Year of 2003-2004 at RARS, Jessore.  

63. Yield reduction assessment of lentil due to different management practices.
64. Effect of spacing and nitrogen on the performance of hybrid sweet corn.
65. Studies on herbicidal weed control in wheat field.
66. Studies on bed planting and mechanical weed control of sesame.
67.  Effect of preceding crops on nutrient requirement and productivity of T.aman rice potato- mungbean-T.aman rice cropping pattern.
68. Screening of weedicide efficacy on weed control in maize.
69. Reginal yield trial of CIP sweet potato lines.
70. Regional yield trial of rhizome producing panikachu lines.
71. Regional yield trial of muhkikachu lines.
72. Cormel size, yield and quality of mukhikachu as affected by desukering.
73. Response of Ol-kachu to manure and seed size.
74. Adaptive yield trial with latest released potato varieties.

L. Year of 2004-2008 during Ph.D. deputation.  

75.  Performance of Maize-Green manure-T.aman rice cropping patterns under different nutrient levels.
76. Performance of maize based intercropping under different nutrient levels.
77. Performance of Maize+ Intercrops-Green manure-T .aman rice cropping patterns under different nutrient levels.
M. Year of 2008-2009 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.

78. Planting geometry and fertilizer management of sweet potato.
79. Intercropping mungbean with mukhikachu.
80. Intercropping different vegetables and spices with pointed gourd.
81. Effect of irrigation and phosphorus on the yield of sesame in early kharif
82. Effect of irrigation and sulphur on the yield of garlic under zero tillage
      mulched condition.
83. Screening mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (Field Experiment).
84.  Screening mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (Pot Experiment).
85. Effect of temperature and rainfall on summer mungbean.
86. Distribution of sapling for mini orchard at charland.

N. Year of 2009-2010 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.

87. Performance of wheat varieties under late sown condition
88. Effect of harvesting time on seed yield of musterd varieties.
89. Effect of sowing date on phenology, growth and yield of different
     varieties/lines of lentil.
90. Intercropping of sesame with mukhikachu.
91. Intercropping mungbean with mukhikachu.
92. Intercropping different vegetables and spices with pointed gourd.
93. Effect of different levels of zinc and boron fertilizer on the bulb yield of garlic
      under zero tillage mulched cultivation.
94. Performance of garlic bulb production under zero tillage mulched condition as
      affected by weed infestation.
95. Fertilizer management of BARI sarisha 11 in charland.
96. Effect of irrigation on summer mungbean.
97. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (field experiment).
98. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance (pot experiment).
99. Effect of temperature and rainfall on summer mungbean.
100. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland.
101. Establishment of mini fruit orchard at homesteads in charalnd.

O. Year of 2010-2011 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.

102. Effect of harvesting time on seed yield of musterd varieties
103. Fertilizer management of BARI Sarisha 11 in charland
104. Fffect of sowing date on phenology, growth and yield of lentil lines\varieties 
105. Development of yield model of wheat under late sown irrigated condition
106. Performance of wheat varieties under late sown condition
107. Intercropping of sesame with mukhikachu
108. High temperature effect at terminal stage on productivity of garlic genotypes/varieties.
109. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland
110. Effect of irrigation on summer mungbean
111. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance
112. Effect of temperature and rainfall on summer mungbean
113. Identification of causes of litchi cracking at Ishurdi region.
114. Performance of BARI technologies at BARI Technology Village.
P. Year of 2011-2012 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.

115. Development of yield model of wheat under late sown irrigated condition.
116. High temperature effect at terminal stage on productivity of garlic genotypes.
117. Intercropping lentil with pointed gourd.
118. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland.
 119. Survey on sodium chloride use in potato in different districts.
120. Effect of temperature and rainfall on summer mungbean.
121. Intercropping mungbean with sesame at different planting system.
122. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance
123. Performance of BARI technologies at BARI Technology Village.

Q. Year of 2012-2013 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.

124. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland.
125. Development of yield model of wheat under late sown irrigated condition.
126. Intercropping okra with Indian spinach.
127. Effect of spacing and fertilizer management on the yield and yield attributes of mukhikachu.
128. Intercropping lentil with pointed gourd.
129. Effect of intercropping brinjal with different seeding ratio of leafy vegetable.
130. Performance of BARI released garlic varieties/lines under zero tillage mulched condition.
131. Effect of tillage and plant population on growth and yield of hybrid maize.
132. Physiological behavior , yield and protein content of wheat in response to foliar application of nitrogen under late sown condition.
133. Fertilizer management of intercropping chili with sweet gourd.
134. Effect of different herbicides on weed control of mungbean.
135. Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance
136. Performance of BARI technologies at BARI Technology Village.

R. Year of 2013-2014 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.
137. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland.
138. Development of yield model of wheat under late sown irrigated condition.
139. Relay hybrid maize with T. aman rice by different management practices. 
140. Effect of spacing and fertilizer management on the yield and yield attributes of mukhikachu.
141. Response of garlic to drought stress at different growth stage. 
142.  Effect of tillage and planting technique on growth and yield of hybrid maize.
143. Physiological behavior, yield and protein content of wheat in response to foliar application of nitrogen under late sown condition.
144. Fertilizer management of intercropping chili with sweet gourd.
145. Effect of different herbicides on weed control of mungbean.
146. Performance of BARI released garlic varieties under zero tillage mulched condition.
147. Dry matter production, growth and yield of mustard. 
148. Performance of BARI technologies at BARI Technology Village.

S. Year of 2014-2015 at RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna.
149. Relay hybrid maize with T. aman rice by different management practices
150. Relay mustard with T. aman  rice under different management utilizing fallow land at ishwardi region. 
151. Adaptation of BARI released crop varieties in charland.
152. Development of yield model of wheat under late sown irrigated condition.
153.  Effect of irrigation interval on the bulb yield and storability of garlic.
 154. Intercropping sesame and mungbean with turmeric at varying population.
155. Intercropping garlic with brinjal.
156. Performance of hybrid maize preceded by T.aman rice under zero tillage soil mulch condition.
157. Estimation of protein and other nutrients in modern wheat varieties.

T. Project (2013-2016): 
Project Title-Adaptation of newly released HYV oil seeds (Mustard, Groundnut, Soybean and Sesame) in Charland of Padma (Project Code- TF 07-C, KGF, BARC).  Experiments under the project were as fallows.  

2013-2014 (Adaptive trial on mustard, groundnut, soybean, sesame)

158. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Lokhikunda
159. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at BBC Bazar
160. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Golapnagar
161. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Philipnagar
162. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Lokhikunda
163. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at BBC Bazar
164. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Golapnagar
165. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Philipnagar
166. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Lokhikunda
167. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at BBC Bazar
168. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Golapnagar
169. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Philipnagar
170. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Lokhikunda
171. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at BBC Bazar
172. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Golapnagar
173. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Philipnagar

2014-2015 (Adaptive trial on mustard, groundnut, soybean, sesame)

174. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Lokhikunda
175. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at BBC Bazar
176. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Golapnagar
177. Adaptation of newly released HYV mustard at Philipnagar
178. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Lokhikunda
179. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at BBC Bazar
180. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Golapnagar
181. Adaptation of newly released HYV Groundnut at Philipnagar
182. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Lokhikunda
183. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at BBC Bazar
184. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Golapnagar
185. Adaptation of newly released HYV soybean at Philipnagar
186. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Lokhikunda
187. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at BBC Bazar
188. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Golapnagar
189. Adaptation of newly released HYV sesame at Philipnagar

2015-201 (Large block demonstration on mustard, groundnut, sesame)

190. Large block demonstration on mustard at Lokhikunda
191.  Large block demonstration on groundnut at Lokhikunda
192. Large block demonstration on sesame at Lokhikunda
193. Large block demonstration on mustard at BBC bazar
194.  Large block demonstration on groundnut at BBC bazar
195. Large block demonstration on sesame at BBC Bazar
196. Large block demonstration on mustard at Golapnagar
197.  Large block demonstration on groundnut at Golapnagar
198. Large block demonstration on sesame at Golapnagar
199. Large block demonstration on mustard at Philipnagar
200.  Large block demonstration on groundnut at Philipnagar
201. Large block demonstration on sesame at Philipnagar

 U. Year of 2015-2016 at Agromomy Division, BARI, Gazipur 1701

202. Relay mustard with T. aman  rice under different management utilizing
203. Performance of hybrid maize preceded by T.aman rice under zero tillage soil mulch condition.
204. Critical period of weed competition in maize.
205. Herbicidal weed control in maize.
206. Effect of fertilizer on maize kharif season.
207.  Seed requirement for late sown wheat: Seed rate is the function of yield
208.  Herbicidal weed control in wheat
209. Herbicidal weed control in lentil.
210. Herbicidal weed control in mungbean.

       Total 210 experiments were conducted.

Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Principal Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701