Possibility of improving cropping intensity at low lands
Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi 6620, Pabna, Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi 6620, Pabna, Bangladesh
At present the cropping intensity of the country is about 176% (BBS, 2008). Horizontal increasing of production is not possible due to limited cultivable land area of the country. Now, it is imperative to go with the vertical increasing of production. This is possible only by increasing cropping intensity. Multiple cropping is the way to increasing cropping intensity. Agronomist/Agronomic research can play key role for improving the cropping intensity of the country. Bangladesh occupies 2791228 ha low lands (25.29%) including medium low land and very low land (BBS, 2008). Improvement of cropping intensity at low land is very hard task. Farmers grow there only boro rice. After the harvest of boro rice the land remains fallow. Research findings indicates that short durated mustard varieties (BARI sarisha 9 and BARI sarisha 14) can be grown successfully at medium low lands before boro rice. But in the low lands and some of very low lands, farmers grow there only boro rice. But recently, the farmers practice to grow broadcast aman rice after harvesting of boro rice at low lands in Faridpur and some other parts of the country (Practical experienced of the author). Rhyda (local deepwater rice) can be grown with boro rice in mixture. After the harvest of boro rice, rhyda gets opportunity to full growth and heavy tillering, ultimately covers the field. Deep water rice is photosensitive and yielded about 2.25-3.0 t/ha (www.banglapedia.org.httpdocs/HT/D_00096.HTM) There remains scope for rice breeder to develop high yielding variety of deep water rice. Deep water rice can also be grown with aus rice as intercropping. After harvest of aus rice deep water rice covers the field by good growth and tillering. In coordinated research of CNRS (Centre for natural resource study) revealed that two crops could be grown in haor areas. BARI Sarisha 11, BARI Sarisha 14, BARI Gom 22, BARI Gom 23, BARI Gom 24, BAR Motorshuti 2, BARI Mung 5, BARI Mung 6 performed better in haor areas (Aziz, 2010). BARI mung 5 and BARI mung 6 can be grown after harvest of rabi crops in Syllet haor area. More research thrust should be given for increasing cropping intensity and cropping system at low land.
1. BBS, 2008. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. PP. 11-122.
2. Aziz A. 2010. Climate change and environmental stress research for sustainable crop
production in the problem areas of Bangladesh. Inter. Confer. Bangladesh Soci. Agron. 2010.
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