Friday, November 16, 2012

Attended as a Chief Guest at a Community Based Biodiversity Management (CBM) programme

 Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian
is delivering his address on Community Based Biodiversity Management(CMB) as a Chief Guest on 8 October 2012 at Press Club, Ishurdi, Pabna Bangladesh.

 Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian was attended as a Chief Guest at a Community Based Biodiversity Management (CBM) programme of Nayakrishi Andalon on 8 October 2012. The location was press club, Ishurdi 6620, Pabna Bangladesh.  The workers of Nayakrishi Andalon have collected many local aus rice cultivars (about 3000 till 2010). These were cultivated by their selected and register farmers. The work was very good and the workers have got substantial yield of aus rice. This is a good work for saving biodiversity and can check the genetic erosion of local cultivars of aus rice. The programme was appreciated by the chief guest.         

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