Friday, November 16, 2012

Attented at Disaster and Climate Risk Management Project Metting.

 Dr. Md. Abul Khayer Mian attended at the Technical Meeting of the Project of 
Disaster and Climate Risk Management in Agriculture: A Project of Nawga Distric. 

  Disaster and Climate Risk Management in Agriculture: A Project of Nawga Distric. A meeting was held on the activities of the project at the office of Deputy Director of Agricultural Extension' of Nawga Disrict on 30 July 2012. Dr. M. A. K. Mian actively participated in the meeting and gave suggestions for risk management about drought regarding BARI mandaded crops. BARI Til-3 and BARI mung-6 can be grown in early kharief season. BAR Til-3 is drought tolerant. Potato yam, Ol-Kachu, mukhi-kachu, ladys finger, Bokfull, drum stick (Sajna) can be grown at drought prone areas of Nawga district. Relay lentil (BARI mosur-6) with T.aman and chickpea (BARI chola-5) after T.aman rice can be cultivated as a pattern based cropping in this area. BARI Gom -26 is an excellent wheat variey and it can be grown at late sown condition because it is a heat tolerant variey. BARI hybrid maize-5 can be grown after BINA dhan 7 or BRRI dhan 33. It also can be relayed with potato in potato growing areas. Dr. Mian also mentioned that Narica (African rice) is suitable for hilly areas as experienced during his visit at hilly areas (2011) with AD, (Abdul Latif- Now Director, Traing Wing) Agricultural Extension, Rangamati. He suggested the participant to visit his web. site (http: for related information of climated and crop adaptation in Bangladesh context. 

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