Tuesday, October 12, 2010


2M.A.K. Mian*, 3M.R. Islam, 2M.S. Alam and 1M.A. Aziz
1PSO, 2SSO and 3SO of BARI
(The Abstract is published in The Internation Conference of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy 2010, BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7-8 October, 2010)

The experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna during early kharif season of 2009 to select suitable mungbean genotype for drought tolerance. The experiment was laid out in a RCB design with three replications. Eighteen genotypes of mungbean were screened for drought tolerance. The genotypes were sown on 24 March 2009 and harvested on different times (55-65 DAE) according to maturity. Pre sowing irrigation was applied for ensuring seed germination afterward the crop was subjected to drought. The same genotypes were grown in normal condition where two irrigations applied at 15 and 30 DAE for calculation drought indices. The results revealed that lines, BMX 01007, BMX 01015 and MBX90009-6 performed better for drought tolerance in respect of relative yield (71.37-73.35%), stress tolerance index (0.76-0.80) and stress susceptibility index (0.77-0.82). Relative water content of leaf was also higher (93.33-96.55% at 27 DAE and 83.61-87.11% at 33 DAE) in those lines and it was positively correlated with the seed yield (r=0.33-0.46 at p=0.05). The selected lines, BMX 01007, BMX 01015 and MBX90009-6 produced better seed of 1112, 1123 and 1159 kg/ha respectively.

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