Thursday, October 21, 2010

Abstract of Conference Papers

Abstract of Conference Papers


Crop weed competition in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Twentieth Bangladesh Science Confereence, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) 1998 (November 28-30).14(1):6

M. A. K. Mian

Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jessore-7400, Bangladesh.

Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jessore-7400, Bangladesh.
A field experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi during February to July of 1996 to observe the critical period of weed competition on yield of groundnut. Groundnut variety “DM-1” was tested in a RCB design with three replications. The 11 weeding treatments were: continuous weed free, weed free upto 15 DAE, upto 30 DAE, upto 45 DAE, upto 60 DAE, weed free after 15 DAE, after 30 DAE, after 45 DAE, after 60 DAE, no weeding and earthing up only. The crop was sown in flat method at 25 cm × 15 cm spacing on 19 February. Nutrients @ 50-90-40-20-4 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-S-Zn were applied. Weeding was done by indigenous hand weeding just after collecting the weed samples by quadrate method. Dry matter weight of weed and yield of groundnut was recorded. The results indicated that critical period of weed competition was 15 DAE to 45 DAE in groundnut in the early kharif season. The yield loss due to weed competition was about 89%.


Use of nitrogen and weed control in mustard

Twentieth Bangladesh Science Confereence, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) 1998 (November 28-30).20(1):9

M. A. K. Mian

Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jessore-7400, Bangladesh.

A 2-year field trial was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi having Calcareous Grey Floodplain Soils during the rabi seasons of 1994-95 and 1995-96 to find out the suitable dose of N with weed control for obtaining higher yield of mustard. In a split plot design, five N doses viz. 0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg/ha was assigned in the main plots and weeding viz. weed free upto 0, 15, 25, 35, and 45 days after emergence (DAE) of crop in the sub-plots. A high yielding variety of mustard ‘Sonali Shorisha’ was line-sown at 25 cm apart with a seed rate of 8 Kg/ha at irrigated condition. Nitrogen, weeding and interaction between them had significant effect on the yield and yield attributes of mustard. The results indicated that weed free upto 35 DAE with 120 kg/ha N produced 78.6% higher yield (2150 kg/ha) over the control treatment.


Some aspects of agronomic management for higher yield of chickpea at barind tract

Annual Bangladesh Botanical Conference 2001 of Bangladesh Botanical Society. 58.

M. A. K. mian, M. A. Matin, M. A. Aziz and M. N. Islam

RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh

Two field experiments were conducted an Saroil, Farming System Research (FSR) site of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute in Barind Trace to observe the performance of chickpea under different management practices. In one experiment, five planting methods for chickpea were broadcast (T1), line sowing (T2), dibbling (T3), dibbling and mulching (T4) and line sowing and mulching (T5). The experiment was laid out in a RCB design with four replications and plot size of 5 m × 4 m. Among the above treatments, T5 produced the highest seed yield (1398 kg/ha) which was closely related to T2 (1365 kg/ha). These two treatments also rendered the maximum dry matter weight of chickpea. In another experiment, three soil moisture regime viz. no irrigation (I0), irrigation at 80% depletion of available soil moisture (ASM) (I1) and irrigation at 60% depletion of ASM (I2) were studied for chickpea. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with four replications and plot size of 5 m × 4 m. The treatment, I2 gave the highest seed yield (1623 Kg/ha) contributed by the highest yield components. Similar trend of yield and yield components was followed by the treatment I1 where I1 and I2 were identical.


Screening of potato genotypes for salinity tolerance

Annual Bangladesh Conference 2003 of Bangladesh Botanical Society.72.

M.A.K. Mian, K.U Ahmed and M.H. Hossain
RARS, BARI, Jessore, Bangladesh

Thirty four potato genotypes were evaluated in the farmers field at Shahos (Dumuria), Khulna during rabi of 2002-2003. The unit plot was 30.0 m × 2.4 m with maintaining plant spacing of 60 cm × 25 cm (non replicated). The planting was done on 12 December 2002. Fertilizers were applied @ 160-105-150 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O respectively (as per recommendation of Tuber Crop Research Centre, 2003). Full dose of P2O5, N and K2O were applied as basal. The remaining N and K2O were incorporated at 35 days after planting. Plant protection and other intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Salinity ranged from 3.31 to 6.14 m mhos/cm from November to March at the experimental field. The experimental was harvested on 21 March 2003. Most of the genotypes performed well. The tuber yield ranged from 8.89 t/ha (line 98-420) to 19.17 t/ha (Sirinda) with an average of 15.43 t/ha. The yield was produced more than 15.00 t/ha by 23 genotypes and more than 18.00 t/ha by 8 genotypes. The high yielder genotypes were the lines, 86-140 (18.33 t/ha) & 88-163 (18.06 t/ha) and the varieties Heera (18.61 t/ha), Chamok (18.33 t/ha), Multa (18.06 t/ha), Colombus (18.06 t/ha), Sirinda (1917 t/ha) & TPS-1 (18.61 t/ha). The highest yield was mainly contributed by the higher number of tuber per hill. The results revealed that potato might be commercially cultivated in the coastal area.


Screening of mungbean genotypes for drought tolerance

Annual Botanical Conferance 2009 of Bangladesh Botanical Society (Janury 9-10):32

M.A.K. mian
RARS- Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute,

A screening trial of mungbean varieties/lines for drought tolerance was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi, Pabna. Eighteen varieties/lines were screened in pot culture under controlled condition. The rainfall was controlled by polythene tunnel. Pots were filled with soil and manure mixture including fertilizers. Sowing was done on 8 April 2009. Five mungbean seeds of each varieties/lines were placed in the individual pot with three replications. The pots were watered for ensuring germination of seeds. After germination, no water was applied. Pots were kept weed fiee till harvest. Total dry matter (TDM) of mungbean and soil moisture was recorded at 35 days after sowing. Soil moisture level ranged from 6.21-9.03% among the pots. Collected TDM of mungbean was subjected to statistical analyses. The TDM showed significant variation among the varieties/lines. BMX 01008, BMX 01013, BMX 01014 and BMX 01015 showed more tolerant (TDM of 0.390-0.420 g/plant) to drought and BARI mung 3, BU mung 1, BU mung 4, BINA mung 5 and BMX 01007 showed moderately tolerant (TDM of 0.247-0.337 g/plant) on the basis of dry matter production and physical field observation. BARI mung 5 and BARI mung 6 produced the lowest TDM yield.


Weed growth in transplanted aman rice ecosystem as affected by cultivar

Annual Botanical Conference 2009 of Bangladesh Botanical Society (Janury 9-10):37

M.A.K. mian and M. A. Samad
RARS Ishurdi and Dept. of Agromony, Bangladesh Agricultural University

Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.

An ecological study of weed was undertaken to know the type of weed species as well as nature of weed vegetation in T.aman rice ecosystem as affected by cultivars and also to observe the relationship between weed growth and grain yield of rice. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mymensingh. Four cultivars viz. BR 11, BR 22, Nizersail and Biroi were taken into the investigation under RCB design with four replications. Weed samples were collected at 20 and 55 days after transplanting by quadrat (1.00 m × 1.00 m) method. Eight weed species belonging to six families were observed in the experimental plots. Grass type included the Paspalum scrobiculatum L. and Echinochloa colonum L. of Gramineae whereas sedge included Fimbristylis littoralis (L.) Vahl. and Cyperus iria L. of Cyperaceae. The broadleaf type comprised with Alisma plantago L., Jussieua decurrens (Walt.) DC., Polygomm orientale L. and Sphenoclea zeylaica Gaertn. of the family Alismacae, Onagraceae, Polygonaceae and Sphenocleaceae respectively. Among them, Paspalum scrobiculatum L. was the most dominating species in respect of summed dominance ratio (SDR of 41.71) and relative dry weight (RDW of 60.18%). All weed species except A. plantago L. and J. decurrens (walt.) DC were found dominant in semi-dwarf modern cultivars (BR 11 and BR 22) than in traditional tall cultivars (Nizersail and Biroi). The highest co-efficient of similarity was rendered by BR 11 versus BR 22 (91.22%), similarly by Nizersail versus Biroi (90.22%). All the cultivars demonstrated a positive relationship (r= 0.71 at p<0.01)between>


Screening of mungbeangenotypes for drought tolerance
International Conferance of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy 2010 (October 6-7):1

M.A.K. Mian, M.R. Islam, 2M.S. Alam and 1M.A. Aziz

RARS-Ishurdi and BARI-Joydebpur

The experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna during early kharif season of 2009 to select suitable mungbean genotype for drought tolerance. The experiment was laid out in a RCB design with three replications. Eighteen genotypes of mungbean were screened for drought tolerance. The genotypes were sown on 24 March 2009 and harvested on different times (55-65 DAE) according to maturity. Pre sowing irrigation was applied for ensuring seed germination afterward the crop was subjected to drought. The same genotypes were grown in normal condition where two irrigations applied at 15 and 30 DAE for calculation drought indices. The results revealed that lines, BMX 01007, BMX 01015 and MBX90009-6 performed better for drought tolerance in respect of relative yield (71.37-73.35%), stress tolerance index (0.76-0.80) and stress susceptibility index (0.77-0.82). Relative water content of leaf was also higher (93.33-96.55% at 27 DAE and 83.61-87.11% at 33 DAE) in those lines and it was positively correlated with the seed yield (r=0.33-0.46 at p=0.05). The selected lines, BMX 01007, BMX 01015 and MBX90009-6 produced better seed of 1112, 1123 and 1159 kg/ha respectively.


Spacing and nitrogen-phosphorus requirement of dwarf pigeonpea for rainfed cultivation

International Conferance of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy 2010(October 6-7):2

M.S. Alam, M.A. Islam and M.A.K. Mian
PRC & RARS, Ishurdi, Bangladesh

The experiment was conducted at the Pulses Research Centre, Ishurdi, Pabna during the growing season of 2008-2009 to find out the optimum spicing and nitrogen-phosphorus (NP) level for higher yield of pegionpea in rainfed condition. The experiment comprised of four spacing viz. 20 cm × 15 cm (S1), 20 cm × 20 cm (S2), 30 cm × 20 cm (S3) and 40 cm ×20 cm (S4) and four nutrient levels viz. 0-0 kg/ha of N-P (L1) 20-25 kg/ha of N-P (L2), 30-35 kg/ha of N-P (L3) and 40-55 kg/ha of N-P (L4). The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design assigning spacing in the main plot and nutrient level in the sub plot. The crop was sown on 5 October 2008 and harvested on 24 March 2009. The highest branches/plant (6.54) and pods/plant (54.44) were observed in 40 cm × 20 cm (S4) but the highest seed yield (1212-1237 kg/ha) was obtained from 20 cm × 15 cm (S1)cm and 20 cm × 20 cm (S2). Seed yield (1333 kg/ha) and yield components were the highest in 40-45 kg/ha of N-P (L4). In interaction, spacing of 20 cm × 15 cm (S1) and 20 cm × 20 cm (S2) with 40-45 kg/ha of N-P (L4) produced the highest seed (1419-1440 kg/ha) mainly attributed by the higher plant population and 1000-seed weight.


  1. The Abstracts cotained some important infirmatins.These would be very usefull to the clents.

  2. Dr. M.A.K Mian has published some important Abstract in Conference. There are valuable and usefull to the researcher, Teachers and Student.
    These are also suefull to the fafmers of Bangladesh.
