Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dr. M.A.K Mian is with his collegues of BARI in a papaya field.

Dr. M.A.K Mian is with his collegues of BARI in a papaya field.
Papaya is a very good friut. It also can be used as vegetable. It contains Vitamin A in rippening condition. It contains Pepsin enzyme which is very important for human digestion. Papaya is used as liver tonic. It is usefull to remove constipation of man. It is a proverb that take a papaya everday and keeps the doctors away. A papaya plant can bears about 10-20 papaya or more in a seasons or year. A farmer can get Tk. 600.00/(20x30=600.00) per plant in annum easily. Two-three plants of a famer house can fullfil the demands of the family. Moreober, he can sell some portion and can earns money. There needs no more management in papaya. Fafmers can grow 4-5 plants easily at the sourrounding of the house. Boron deficiency sometimes desafed the fruits and leaves and also the stem. So the farmers should add 1-2 g boric acid per adult plant. The news will be broadcast through BTV channel of National Assembly at off time.