Monday, October 18, 2010

Paper Presentation-2

Dr. M. A. K. Mian is presenting a paper entitled " Spacing and Nitrogen-Phosphorus requirement of dwarf pigenpia for rainfed cultivation" at the International Conference of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy 2010 at BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Plant spacing 20 cm x 20 cm with 30-45 kg/ha of N-P is suitable for dwarf pigeonpea cultivation under rainfed condition.

1 comment:

  1. Special characters of dwarf pigeonpea:
    1. Pigeonpea is high in quality protein and
    2. It is drought tolerant.
    3. It can be cultivated at the marginal land and
    road sides.
    4. As a pulse crop it can enrich soil health.
    5. It can be grown with minimum cost.
    Dr. M.A.K. Mian
